Opracowanie poświęcone jest zagadnieniu zasady „superfi cies solo cedit”. Ta klasyczna zasada prawa cywilnego obecna była w czeskim ustawodawstwie przedwojennym. Niestety, na skutek zmian społeczno–politycznych początku lat pięćdziesiątych, od zasady tej odstąpiono. Jej ponowne wprowadzenie przygotowywane jest w związku ze zbliżającą się kodyfi kacją prawa cywilnego.Masaryk Universit
The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building ...
91 Acquisition of real property Abstract In the Czech Republic, acquisition of real property is gene...
This article deals with the issue of property right acquisi tion from an unentitled person. It is i...
Artykuł wyjaśnia na czym polega zasada Superfi cies solo cedit oraz przedstawia na gruncie prawa cy...
The topic of the diploma thesis is the legal principle superficies solo cedit and its return into th...
This diploma thesis deals with the principle of superficies solo cedit, whose roots go back to Roman...
Principle of superficies solo cedit in historical context Abstract This diploma thesis deals with th...
This thesis focuses on the "superficies solo cedit" principle, known since the times of the Ancient ...
The aim of the thesis is to describe the concept of the superficial principle in the valid legal reg...
Superficies solo cedit The topic of the presented diploma thesis is the principle of superficies vie...
Cílem práce je zabývat se nejen podstatou, vznikem a vývojem zásady Superficies solo cedit, ale před...
Diplomová práce na téma "Zásada Superficies solo cedit a její konsekvence v soukromém právu" směřuje...
Diplomsko delo obravnava aplikacije enega izmed temeljnih stvarnopravnih načel – načela superficies...
1 Pavel Škvára Ownership of real estate in the Czech legal order Abstract The reasons, why I decided...
The principle of superficies solo cedit is prescribed by Section 968 of the Latvian Civil Law: ‘A bu...
The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building ...
91 Acquisition of real property Abstract In the Czech Republic, acquisition of real property is gene...
This article deals with the issue of property right acquisi tion from an unentitled person. It is i...
Artykuł wyjaśnia na czym polega zasada Superfi cies solo cedit oraz przedstawia na gruncie prawa cy...
The topic of the diploma thesis is the legal principle superficies solo cedit and its return into th...
This diploma thesis deals with the principle of superficies solo cedit, whose roots go back to Roman...
Principle of superficies solo cedit in historical context Abstract This diploma thesis deals with th...
This thesis focuses on the "superficies solo cedit" principle, known since the times of the Ancient ...
The aim of the thesis is to describe the concept of the superficial principle in the valid legal reg...
Superficies solo cedit The topic of the presented diploma thesis is the principle of superficies vie...
Cílem práce je zabývat se nejen podstatou, vznikem a vývojem zásady Superficies solo cedit, ale před...
Diplomová práce na téma "Zásada Superficies solo cedit a její konsekvence v soukromém právu" směřuje...
Diplomsko delo obravnava aplikacije enega izmed temeljnih stvarnopravnih načel – načela superficies...
1 Pavel Škvára Ownership of real estate in the Czech legal order Abstract The reasons, why I decided...
The principle of superficies solo cedit is prescribed by Section 968 of the Latvian Civil Law: ‘A bu...
The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building ...
91 Acquisition of real property Abstract In the Czech Republic, acquisition of real property is gene...
This article deals with the issue of property right acquisi tion from an unentitled person. It is i...